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Helsingør Kommune suger igen en bundskraber som Danmarks mest erhvervsfjentlige Kommune, på en sidste plads i Dansk industri´s erhvervsvenlighedsmålinger sammen med yderkommunerne Lolland og Falster.

Samtidig beskyldes Helsingør Kommune, ifølge fagforeningerne HK og Djøf for at "opføre sig grænseoverskridende - Hysterisk og truende over for medarbejderne i kommunens whistleblowerenhed, Borgere og ikke mindst Erhvervslivet.

Kommunen mangler en handlekraftig ledelse og hjemsøges tillige af stigende Digital korruption
Læs også Hvem taber og vinder på korruption i byrådet ?


whistleblowerenheden modtog i september 2022 en anonym henvendelse. I den rettes en række anklager mod "blandt andet" Benedikte Kiær. Er de andre: "blandt andet" Jens Bertram ?
HD skriver ligeledes: - Borgmesteren har desuden via tredjepart "udtalt trusler" over for de ansatte. Jens Bertram er udover at være Byrådspolitiker, også erhvervsmand. . . Hvem er "Tredjepart" i whistleblowersagen ?🤔😎

Som vi i 2008 - 2013, ikke kunne lokke børnefamilien til kommunen uden boliger, så vil Helsingør kommune om 5 - 10 år opleve en virksomhedsflugt med flere mistede arbejdspladser end da Værftet lukkede i 1983
Ledelsen, herunder Jens Bertram Hæmmer kommunens udvikling og har ganske enkelt ikke sans for eller føling med udviklingen og har endnu ikke set at der rejser sig en GLOBAL folkebevægelse med krav om "bæredygtig produktion" som et "salgsparameter. - det kan produktionsvirksomhederne i Helsingør ikke leve op til fordi Kommunen kan ikke levere den efterspurgte CO2 emisionsfrie energi, men Kommunens virksomheder må flytte til andre kommuner, ganske enkelt fordi Helsingør kommune IKKE kan levere GRØN ENERGI til produktionen fordi Forsyning Helsingør. nu har dummet sig 2 gange og har planlagt et tredje forsøg som i det samlede regnskab udleder mere CO2 til atmosfæren end et kulfyret kraftværk i Rusland.

For rigtig mange virksomheder betyder CO2 emissionsfri energi, liv eller død, og kan virksomheden ikke dokumentere en CO2 emissionsfri produktion og drift inden 2030, vil virksomheden bukke under i skarp konkurrence og kapløbet om "DEN GRØNNE OMSTILLING" - - Den energi og de betingelser kan Helsingør Kommune ikke levere.

En solcellepark i Skandinavien producerer IKKE CO2 emissionsfri energi og kommer aldrig til det. - I 2014-2018 advarede vi også Forsyning Helsingør og forklarede ved direkte Mail til Bertram, at afbrænding af flis og biomasse udleder langt mere CO2 til atmusfæren end både Kul Gas og Olie.

Det er Forsyning Helsingør´s pligt at levere CO2 emissionsfri energi inden 2030, men med Jens Bertram som formand og den strategi Forsyning Helsingør har, er det dokumenterbart umuligt, med mindre der indstilles en ny formand med "klogere" visioner omkring den grønne omstilling, og et langt bedre forhold til Kommunens erhvrvsliv.

Tonny Parnell

Storage and transport of hydrogen in refrigerated PTX infrastructure network  

Power To X production and transport from producer to consumer.

Superconducting cables are based on special superconducting materials that are cooled to near-zero energi losses
We already know that much, but we also know that a global infrastructure network must be established not just for hydrogen, but for all PTX products. and we have far too much energy loss during transport with known superconductors, from producer to consumer - - I can tell you that the USA alone throws away - 6.9 x 1013 BTUs = 2.0221907 x 1010 KWh every year. I don't know the KWh price in the USA, but do you have a super calculator that can handle very large amounts, calculate yourself how many $ it is per year. - - we have to rethink that in the circle

Hydrogen transport and storage

EVERYONE is talking about "GREEN CONVERSION". - - MANY people talk about PTX. - - SOMEONE has an opinion about Wind energy in relation to Solar energy. - - OTHERS know that Elon Musk, with great success, is behind the electric car, but is not completely satisfied with the range, the way too slow and too few charging options. - - FEW enovatives are trying to "override the Electric car with a pure hydrogen combustion engine. (but we have no way to use and refill hydrogen.) - NONE! - have the final solution.


As in a mathematical equation, we have a number of parameters that must ultimately give the result of the equation. We need to start by defining the first and overall parameters.

We now know that we have Green energy in abundance, and we can already completely phase out fossil fuels.
We are finding out what we will use the new GREEN energy for.

But NO ONE has a solution for how we safely handle and store GREEN - Electricity and electrolysis-based Ptx products.

PTX cooling transport net

Like what most people think of as “normal” temperatures, all materials have some amount of electrical resistance. Superconductivity is the property of certain materials to conduct direct current (DC) electricity without energy loss when they are cooled below a critical temperature.

Worlds fastes Maglev train
This is the Wuhan–Guangzhou high-speed railway in China. Foto: Sababio Anchuli.
The fastest train on Earth, based on its record speed, is the Japanese L0 Series Maglev with a record speed of 703 kilometers per hour

Quantum physics tells us many other mysterious phenomena upon deeper review. I am linking here to an article that will make you think about the connection, - useful similarities that lead the thought to - - the genius of establishing a DANISH HIGH-SPEED MAGLEV TRAIN in a vacuum tunnel that actually moves the passengers with something similar to the speed of lightning. According to the researchers at Southwest Jiaotong University in China, the top speed will be 2900 kilometers per hour - i.e. faster than an airplane. Why not establish the world's fastest magnetic lightning train in the same corridor at the same time

The first Maglev train that takes you from Copenhagen to Paris via Hamburg - Brussels in less than an hour.? - - Hamburg approx. 30 minutes?

We know it will be necessary to multiply the capacity of the existing global electricity grid, but NO ONE wants more high-voltage overhead Air-high voltage lines. NOT many people think about the economy and the enormous energy loss/energy waste when transporting EL in overhead lines over long distances,

Advanced superconducting materials at room temperature was announced a few months ago, that will bring about a paradigm shift in human technology and help us make great advances in energy, medicine, electronics and space explorations.
The Terran Space Academy walks you through the importance of the latest discovery, the details behind their research, and the space technologies it will immediately impact.

but we need to be sure that the new Hydrogen metal is stable after production under extreme pressure. - - if it is, and can be processed under normal room temperatures, then it is a heavenly gift that will revolutionize everything on earth.

EVERYONE wants the big ugly high-voltage lines buried in the ground, but NO ONE knows how it can be done without "lumps in the power line" - The longest and most expensive underground cable stretch >=132KV, is about 40 Km, laid in London.

(The biggest problem when burying power cables >=132 KV is "Noise in the cable when overheating")

Air-high voltage lines are naturally AIR-cooled, but when grounding high-voltage cables, overheating from overloading can be a problem that is not "controlled" or the heat in the cables cannot be regulated. Therefore, "lumps in power cables" occur, which can only be removed by cooling the superconductor, or "the grounded high-voltage cables

NO ONE knows how we safely and most economically transport the new GREEN energy from producer to consumer
It depends on which decision we make in relation to liquid hydrogen under pressure and the transport sector - - and vice versa - - which depends on how we ground and transport PTX products to the consumer - including safety in relation to Hydrogen.

We need far too large warehouses for storage, and because it must be stored in pressure  below 700 bar, the warehouses become vulnerable points in the security of our PTX energy infrastructure network. In addition, many PTX products must be transported in specially built vehicles with pressure tanks, which can cause great damage to our security of supply in the event of a terrorist attack. High and rising storage and transport costs will probably limit trade in PtX products over greater distances, - - therefor:

we have to rethink that part of the project
We (the world) are faced with having to establish a new global energy infrastructure network for the transport of Electricity - Gas and electrolysis based Power to X products where we have to choose whether Power to X is to be produced locally or centrally at the energy source.

Or whether, for safety reasons, we must construct smaller pressure-expansion containers strategically spread over the global energy infrastructure network?

We also have to choose whether the transport of people and general cargo is to be carried out by battery-powered electric cars or whether the future lies in a pure hydrogen explosion engine. And whether liquid hydrogen, together with electricity from wind farms, must be the two main ingredients in the energy of the future. - or something completely different.

It takes courage to admit that decision, all the while there are really big economic interests in continuing with the battery and the solar cell thinking (with Elon Musk's great success as an argument) - - - However, SpaceX uses Hydrogen and researches in the development of hydrogen metal, which is a significantly more powerful rocket fuel.

Here are advantages and disadvantages in relation to whether energy loss/waste is greater or less with one or the other model. - - in any case, we must count on a future where energy is traded and transported over large distances in a Global energy infrastructure network, where the distance and energy loss O from the source to the consumer are decisive for price formation.

I think hydrogen is the answer

In any case, the energy - climate crisis has taught us the necessity of security of supply in the supply chain, but also, to the highest degree, that we can no longer allow ourselves to look indifferently at energy waste, and that today there is also "good profit" in minimizing the enormous energy waste we experience today, especially when transporting electricity over longer distances.

If we structure the energy grid better, we can reduce the distance from source to consumer by approx. 10%

When storing Power To X products locally, we have a security and logistics problem that needs to be considered.

We know that, According to "Ohm's law", there is an energy loss when transporting electricity that can enrich the one that can illuminate or simply reduce the energy loss, with a wealth that makes Elon Musk - Jeff Bezos and the richest ́s money tank look like pennies- ? - - - Unless Elon Musk also takes up that challenge.??

We have also realized that a global energy infrastructure network is necessary for trade and exchange of green energy - wind and (solar) energy as well as Power to X products. 

With a global Electricity - (Gas) and Power to X infrastructure, we can trade with all parts of the world across borders, but we can also, and each country can at any time become independent from any other. - this means less risk of future energy crises. 
If there is global connection to a global energy infrastructure network, it will also mean that there is a global interest in no one waging war against others using the energy network as we see in the Ukraine war

Hydrogen can be stored physically as liquid gas. Storage of hydrogen as a gas typically requires high-pressure tanks (350–700 bar [5,000–10,000 psi] tank pressure). Storage of hydrogen as a liquid requires cryogenic temperatures because the boiling point of hydrogen at one atmosphere pressure is -252.8°C. .

If hydrogen becomes the preferred form of energy in the future, we must rethink the way we store and transport hydrogen - purely in terms of safety.

. An infrastructure network for Power to x products is relatively innovative, but the same problems arise as it is cheaper to transport the green energy in electric cables and decentralized electrolysis transformers for Power to X. We have accepted that Green energy has become a little more expensive, but if we think about it a little, it doesn't have to be that way.

Hydrogen becomes slightly more expensive than electricity because electrolytic treatment of electricity into hydrogen reduces utilization to only approx. 75%, the last 25% is "wasted" by the development of heat during the process. 

The same happens today with the transport of electricity over long distances, - - when that waste is calculated in commercial value, the enormous amount is what we have previously accepted as an (unavoidable) loss during transport. 

If we think ahead to a completed GREEN infrastructure network, the average transport distance will certainly be approx. 9% shorter,

Superconducting cables

Maximum transmission capacity and near-zero losses

It is NOT "Nexans" world-first in France at Montparnasse train station: but much more. security - visionary and in a much higher perspective

Superconducting cables are based on special superconducting materials that are cooled down to extremely low temperatures (e. g. – 180 °C) using liquid nitrogen (or liquid helium for MgB2) to activate the superconductivity phenomenon (very low resistance).

PTX cooling transport net
Multi PTX transport corridor <= - 100 °C., - - Electricity without resistance (standard reduced by 80%) - from Svalbard to Capetown and from Nuuk (Arctic) - Canada to Chile with minimal resistance

We now know that the energy of the future will not only consist of EL - - we probably also know that the energy we will use in the future in the transport sector will probably not be Electricity, produced by batteries, but probably Hydrogen gas or another PTX product, ? - therefore a new energy network must also carry all PTX Products.

if we basically design a Multi-PTX-Pipeline with the EL transport cable in the middle, we can use the pressure difference and hydrogen as coolant, and at minus - 180 °C, ordinary cheap iron suddenly becomes a Superconductor that offers less resistance than Copper:


Read "Ohm´s law" and the table further down the page

A new PTX energi infrastructure network, ('MEIN' -network) must be coordinated with the district heating network to collect the excess heat produced by necessary digital cooling boosters when the expansion difference at tap points cannot keep the temperature in the PTX network <= -195 °C.

The whole exercise involves us putting transport of >=132 KV electricity into the same pipe as Hydrogen / ammonia under 700 bar pressure and <=-minus 100 °C.
We have a periodic pressure interval of 700 - 350 bar, which we can use for Booster cooling with a compressor that is put into use when consumption fluctuates, all valves, pressure expansion and temperatures are controlled centrally digitally in divided areas of responsibility

The digital control automatically shuts down a limited area of the network, in case of failure - sabotage - natural disaster, - - if possible, disconnects the area and redirects the supply.

As a storage function, underground, digitally controlled, pressure expansion cylinders for Hydrogen and Ammonia can be established for the entire network, in a number of places on the network that suit the desired storage capacity. - the more cylinders in stock, the greater security of supply.

Moving electricity from plants to homes and businesses on the transmission and distribution grid,  - USA lost 69 trillion Btu in 2013 – that’s about how much energy Americans use drying there clothes every year, ore 6.9 x 1013 BTUs = 2.0221907 x 1010 KWh  every year. Calculate yourself how many $ it is per year.

As part of My IA Questions project, Inside Energy investigated how much energy is lost as electricity travels from a power plant to the plug in your home. In the U.S., five to six percent of the energy in electricity is lost during transmission and distribution . In other countries and especially in the tropical belt, the energy loss during transport in high-voltage overhead lines is over 8-10%.

The value of the energy loss by electric transport today alone far exceeds the costs of transport in refrigerated multi-pipelines where possible. the -195 °C. cold hydrogen is transported in the same multi-pipeline.

For all readers who are not so keen on quantum physics. listen to the video below

I'm not the best at explaining the migration of electrons in a superconductor, - I'll leave it to "Jeffrey Shainline" - who also explains the problem of "lumps in the grid" - which can be removed by digital acidification of transmission of >= 132KV in a cooled corridor where the large pressure difference is used for cooling.

listen especially carefully to what Professor "Jeffrey Shainline" says in the last part of the video, where he describes "runaway unstable electrons" that escalate with the development of heat there again develops more "Ohm in resistance" etc. (a runaway self-escalating loop is formed which can only be stopped by melting down or strong cooling of the superconductor) - only in the case of total shot down of the network, or in the case of digital controlled strong and immediate cooling of the network, the runaway electrons can be brought to rest again. (When you watch an American film with storms-tornadoes or animals climbing up the electricity pylons, you often see a transformer, - which many countries have sitting up in the pylons, - exploding with a violent force, - = Overheating - " Lumps in the power" - because there has suddenly been a change in load on the network.

Scientists and "wise minds" now suggest that we should "get" green electricity from solar parks in the Sahara and Australia. - - but we know that solar cells and fuel cells emit more CO2 than they save in their lifetime, and that these will, in the long run, be phased out because (solar cells will be subject to a security political embargo) - the majority are produced by slaves in China. - - We also know that transport of electricity, cf. Ohm's law, is significantly more expensive from the warmer areas of the globe, as the resistance in cables increases extremely with the heat. Here the focus is currently again on electric transport from Greenland's katabatic downwind, where transport will be 15% cheaper compared to transport from Australia, and for transport in refrigerated corridors, completely without resistance. (These are unimaginably large amounts that can be saved.) - as I mention above FSA. SUPERCONDUCTORS.

Katabatiske faldvinde Grønland
Wind turbine farms along the Greenland east coast are driven by strong downwinds, "katabatic downwinds" from the higher lying and colder areas at 3000 m altitude approx. in the middle of the Greenland ice sheet.. show large Images

The question alone of solar energy from the Sahara or Wind energy from Greenland - is the question of whether we want to pay 5-6% more for the same amount of electricity from the Sahara rather than the less for wind energy from Greenland, which is the difference in the energy loss in transport cables / high-voltage overhead lines from the colder part of the globe. - Converted into $, it becomes astronomical amounts that can feed a large part of Africa

In ALL cases, the enormous waste energy can be collected by simple heat pumps decentralized located over the entire global energy infrastructure network, which generate the surplus heat for larger district heating centers connected to the infrastructure network.

>= 400KV in ground cables, but here cable laying is further complicated by the fact that (unlike heated air lines) the cable cannot get rid of the heat, and since the resistance "OHM" is accelerated at higher temperatures, "noise in the power grid" occurs (lumps in the flow)

 The same resistans and energy loss occurs when transporting electricity. 

 When collecting the excess heat around Electric cables >=132KV with heat pumps (cooling of the cables), a faster transport (movement) of molecules in the object is achieved, which prevents resistance (lumps in the electricity) When cooling down the cable, the loss "Ohm" is reduced until the absolute zero point - 286.2 grd. where there will be no energy loss at all.

PTX cooling transport net
Energy losses in Pakistan was 17,13% in 2022 . . .
The U.S. power grid sheds heat at a loss of billions and billions of dollars each year. - I think cooled Iron and hydrogen is the answer

Iron is 50 x cheaper and has the property that the resistance drops 2x faster with a lower temperature and the absolute zero point (where molecules move freely in the substance without resistance) is reached faster but already at - 100°C the resistance in Iron is less than half of the resistance in the same amount of copper, at the same temperature. - - minus 100°C. . and it may be profitable to maintain a constant temperature of just below -100 - 165 °C. . in a multi Ptx transport corridor

The constant low temperature is achieved by the pressure difference between 700 Bar when filling the network and approx. 375 Bar when tapping from the mains, i.e. the ammonia and hydrogen pressure expansion tanks, etc., which are strategically placed in terms of security on the infrastructure network must maintain a pressure of 700Bar bed filling, - which, when delivered to the network, turns into gas at 375bar and a temperature of around - 195°C.

Already at 0 °C, the resistance in copper is the same as "IRON", namely approx. 100 Ohms. at the same amount of material in mm2

If we can succeed in reducing the feed temperature to - 195 °C. with the help of electronically controlled pressure differential in an M-energy/Multi-energy pipeline where we use hydrogen as a coolant for pressure differentiation, a huge gain will appear. (Hydrogen must still be supplied liquid at a temperature below -253 degrees, which is the boiling point.)

At a feed temperature of - 195 °C. "IRON" turns out to be the best SUPERCONDUCTOR of all in the table and offers only half as much resistance (7.9 Ohm) compared to the 50 times more expensive "copper"=12.9 Ohm resistance

The biggest challenge today will be to adapt a standard temperature that gives the biggest economic advantage in relation to the PTX products we want to distribute together with Hydrogen and Electricity >= 132KV ground cables.

The challenge lies in the fact that all PTX products have very different "freezing point" temperatures, and in fact only Hydrogen has an optimal freezing point <= -195 °C.
Ethanol/Alcohol has a freezing point of approx. -114 °C.
Ethanal has a freezing point of approx. -123 °C.
Hydrogen Boiling point, -253 °C.

Ammonia is above - 100 °C. and we may have to switch to liquid gas / Gasoline to get below a transport temperature of < - 100 °C.

Perhaps we need to make full use of Hydrogen, with a Boiling Point of -253 °C, whereby we almost achieve the absolute zero point, and the free movement of electrons without resistance in "iron and aluminum". - - at a delivery temperature below -253 °C, we cannot transport other Ptx. products in the same line. - but only Hydrogen and Electricity and there will still be very large economic and not least safety benefits

That developer and patent holder will be richer than Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos combined

Liquid hydrogen metal
makes up the majority of the interiors of large gas planets, so a small, silvery droplet can make scientists much smarter about planets like Jupiter and Saturn. But more importantly, the feat of creating "hydrogen metal" under extremely high pressure is a major step towards creating solid metallic hydrogen, which according to physicists' theory is a true wonder material. With hydrogen metal in solid form as fuel, spacecraft will be able to reach further into space than ever before, and in high-voltage lines and electrical circuits, the metal will be able to conduct current without resistance.

Updated Harvard scientists January 27 - 2023

Hydrogen has many forms
Hydrogen is the most widespread and simple element in the universe. The atom consists of a single proton surrounded by an electron. In nature, it is primarily found in so-called molecular form, where two hydrogen atoms have joined together.

Despite its simple structure, hydrogen can be brought into an astonishingly large number of states. At ordinary atmospheric pressure, hydrogen, like all other elements, exists in three states: gas, liquid and solid. Hydrogen is gaseous down to temperatures of minus 195 °C, where it, under pressure, condenses into a liquid. At temperatures below minus 259 °C, the liquid freezes and turns into hydrogen ice.

It will be possible to calculate the most profitable temperature in the ("MEIN" -network) cable, and regulate this in relation to transported quantity and market price, and at the same time prevent "Noise" in the power grid due to overload vith occurs (lumps in the flow)

 Just to mention that according to "Ohm's low", the energy loss costs Danish society and the Danish cable network over $700 million.. every single year. (approx. DKK 4.5 billion) every single year.

Of this, >= 132KV overhead lines account for more than 56% of the total energy loss, or $400 Mio. (Approximately DKK 2.6 billion annually.)

It will be possible to design a standard multi pipline where we carry >=132KV cables together with PTX products Hydrogen - Gas - Ammonia under 700 Bar pressure in the same "inner pipe" as Hydrogen and other PTX products that can be kept on a transport - temperature near absolute zero -286.7 degrees. with digital temperature regulation "Cooling booster" at each tapping point. - - Or at least below -195 degrees. where "Iron" offers less resistance than the much more expensive copper, at the same temperature

If it is a reality, then the table below shows that the much cheaper "iron" can be used with great advantage instead of copper for the transport of EL >=132 KV

Hydrogen transport and storage

Denmark's Gross Domestic Product = 400.3 billion USD (2023).
Denmark's total electricity consumption in 2023 = $7,000,000,000,000 or 35 billion kWh.

We know that we J.fr. Ohm´s law, has a gigantic energy loss in our airborne power grid >=132KV, - - I have searched widely but cannot find available calculations in $, but we know that Denmark has a total electricity consumption of 35 billion. Kwh.

I also cannot find an average price for the fluctuating electricity prices of recent years, but we expect in the future approx. $0.20 * 35 Billion Kwh = $7 Billion. or approx. 28% of Denmark's Gross National Product.

Ohm's law states that the energy loss per m of conductor (copper) at the average temperature of 20 degrees. C = XXX

The table here says that southern Spain and the tropical belt globally have approx. 8% greater energy loss on a 20°C. . higher average temperature. around the power grid. The conductance, increases with temperature until the metal melts.

The value for the resistivity ρ applicable e.g. for silver can be seen from Table 1 to be ρAg = 0.0159 ·10-6m

Considering the increasing prices of copper and solid conductors and the scarcity of these, it is positive that Aluminum and even more "Iron", reacts strongly to minor resistance at lower temperatures and the price of iron versus Copper can perhaps offset the costs of cooling. Notice the difference between Iron and Copper in the table.

Conversely, the table shows that we can reduce the resistance in a new PTX infrastructure network by more than 10% from a feed temperature in the conductor from 20 to 0 °C- - - but as much as 86% from 20 to -195 °C

PTX cooling transport net
show large table

If the conductor (copper) is cooled to absolute zero (copper -273.2 °C.) the energy loss/resistance is = 0 Ohm

It is/will be a huge calculation in relation to different temperatures, specific conductivity for different current conductors which are used today to transport electricity over larger distances.

As far as I have been able to calculate, the total Danish energy loss when supplying electricity, at the average temperature of 20 °C. , is approx. 8-12% depending on material and dimensioning.

The PTX multi-network ("MEIN" -network) must be global with digital electronic supplier billing when filling the network and digital consumer billing at the tap points. The countries that are connected to the energy network have an obligation to create buffer/storage expansion cylinders that are constantly maintained at the pressure we have globally agreed upon, and to constantly maintain the safety buffer capacity that is calculated for the respective area at all times. country.

Hydrogen transport and storage
We need to investigate whether it will be easier to keep a lower temperature at filling pressure - higher than 700 Bar, in order to achieve a higher pressure margin.- Today, electronic valves can maintain a constant selected pressure at the tap points.
The biggest advantage of the M-energi network, where we distribute ALL energies in one line, is at a supply temperature of around -100 °C. where Hydrogen is used as a coolant and "IRON" as a superconductor with minimal resistance.

Notice that the data from the table is based on a dimensioning where the resistance is 100 Ohm at 0 degrees.

It may be necessary to maintain a continuous flow throughout the network, which allows for the design of a hydrogen pipe with continuous flow sizing, to maintain a constant temperature in relation to pressure and flow. (we have supercomputers for those calculations)

If, when designing the new PTX network, we use Hydrogen and ammonia as refrigerants in a multifunction's pipe feed, we can use the pipe feed as storage and regulate the pressure digitally from an expansion tank at the source, Which does not need to be cooled, but when used from the buffer tank/cylinder, we again utilize the pressure differential for cooling

When, for example, hydrogen is tapped from the multifunction tube, the pressure is reduced and by digital control of valves in the multifunction tube and the tapping point, the multifunction tube is cooled.

A digital control is necessary because we only have a pressure expansion margin from 350 - 750 bar and the multifunction's tube must be kept at a temperature below -195 °C., and a constant pressure >=700 bar that allows a temporary pressure drop to 350 bar during cooling.

The biggest problem we have today with the grounding of electric cables >= 132 KV is "lumps in the current", which occur when the ground cables overheat, as the resistance increases with the temperature, and when the cables cannot get rid of the "heat", then " lumps in the flow"

By designing a multi-function pipe for PTX products in the new MULTI energi infrastructure network, ("MEIN" -network), we solve a whole range of problems - known and unknown, but not least the world is supplied with resources no one knew we had.

The costs of cooling the planned underground transport corridor. (see picture) is far less than the value of the energy loss at >= 132KV air bourn lines. In addition, there are gigantic savings from decentralized storage and regulated production of Ptx. products for a "global Multi-Energy network", - - moreover, "Iron" is advantageously used as a superconductor instead of the 50 X more expensive copper.

I can imagine that a PTX multipipe line must be produced in modules that have a length that can be handled with the construction machines we have today.

Cooled superconductors that could revolutionize the worlds energy system

Where the biggest profit is spotted is probably in the patent and production of the many valves and electronic control units that must be standard for the entire network, regardless of where in the world the main module is produced.

Unless we choose to only distribute liquid Hydrogen under 700 bar pressure, and only together with EL >= 132 KV transport corridor with lowest temperature below - 253 °C where the resistance in the El cable will be very close to 0 Ohm. if we use "IRON" as "superconductor". (a combi cable for hydrogen under pressure will probably be able to be produced cheaper and decentralized in longer lengths)

The ultimate biggest benefit of transporting liquid hydrogen at -253°C together with high voltage is that over longer distances it is possible to control what we today call "noise in the network" with simple digital controllers, temperature sensors that are strategically placed on the infrastructure network .

Hydrogen transport and storage
How much did it cost to restore the high voltage network when the forest fires ravaged Canada - Spain - France - Greece etc

Can we imagine that a grounded PTX infrastructure network that transports "High voltage >= 400 KV - Hydrogen under 700 bar pressure - Ammonia NH3 - Ethanol and Gas". in operation will cost Danish society approx. 4.5 billion in annual operating expenses alone.? - - maybe minimum and more.

But because Denmark is carrying out a PTX infrastructure network in a corridor that is cooled to below -100 degrees. - can we use "Iron" as a "SUPERCONDUCTOR" whereby in the project phase approx. 18Mia. (as coolant, we use the existing Hydrogen - where over a long distance you have a pressure difference of approx. 300 bar for cooling, before the compressor has to be used)

Theoretically, we imagine that the 18 billion that is saved by using "Iron" as a superconductor, is instead invested at an interest rate that is 2 - 4% above the discount rate, it will give an annual minimum return of 3% Approx.= 540,000,000 or well over ½ billion.

Now we know that there is a direct saving annually by conveying PTX together in a refrigerated corridor of approx. 4.5 billion in reduced energy loss at a lower conveying temperature.
We also know that we further reduce the energy loss by using "Iron" instead of the 20* more expensive "copper" when we reach below - 100 grd. (in addition, we know that Denmark is self-sufficient in copper from the Arctic and that copper, as a superconductor, will become a raging beast in the future)

How much did it cost to restore the high voltage network when the forest fires ravaged Canada - Spain - France - Greece etc.
How much does it cost to operate, maintain and keep clear a corridor for high-voltage >= 110KV, overhead power lines for vegetation, compared to a grounded transport corridor, calculated over a 50-year period. (or an operating period of more than 75 years)

As a result, it becomes a profitable business to transmit PTX and especially EL, in a grounded cooled infrastructure network.

Why don't we do it.?

Here again there will be a global business model for the French and/or the Danish cable producer NKT, and my NKT shares will rise 10,000%, and I can buy myself an airplane?

Tonny Parnell reserves all rights

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2 X 50 MW Havvandsvarmepumper erstatter 600.000 tons kul
Jens Bertram lyver for offentligheden og oplyser forkerte tal til klimaregnskabet....
Udvikling 2 X 50 MW Havvandsvarmepumper erstatter 600.000 tons kul


what can we use AI for?
Her et meget simpel eksempel på hvad kunstig intelligens - AI, kan bruges til.......
Udvikling what can we use AI for?


Artificial intelligence will divide humanity into an A and a B team
Is there an adult present who can take AI seriously? - most people today have fun with fake photos "write a task for me" - picking apples or something else funny. But we should probably take AI more seriously.....
Udvikling Artificial intelligence will divide humanity into an A and a B team


This is just my opinion about chatGTB and AI artificial intelligence
An extremely fast combi drone/missile with artificial intelligence can, with geo-coordinates from a satellite, decide and end wars.....
Udvikling This is just my opinion about chatGTB and AI artificial intelligence


Ny "bymidte task force" oprettes i Helsingør
Hvis du virkelig mener det du udtrykker her så skal der nedsættes en mindre "PROFESSIONEL" "bymidte task force", der ikke skal sidde i "rundkreds og diskutere i dage", før en nødvendig beslutning tages.....
Udvikling Ny "bymidte task force" oprettes i Helsingør


Alt for langsom grøn omstilling
USA syndrom - Statsstøtte - EU sanktioner og benspænding - Sådan behøver det ikke at være.?....
Udvikling Alt for langsom grøn omstilling


Helsingør Borgmesteren og Jens Bertram på glatis
Jens Bertram har problemer med sandheden og oplyser forkerte tal til klimaregnskabet....
Udvikling Helsingør Borgmesteren og Jens Bertram på glatis


PTX og multi krydstogtkaj i Helsingør
I dag er det kun meget små af nutidens skibe der kan gå ind i statshavnen. - Hvis Helsingør vil "krone" sig selv som maritimt uddannelses-center, så er det yderst pinligt at Kongeskibet er det største skib vi kan modtage....
Udvikling PTX og multi krydstogtkaj i Helsingør


Hvem vinder på korruption i Byrådet ?
Den mest udbredte definition af korruption, som anvendes af fx Verdensbanken og Transparency International, er "misbrug af betroet magt for egen vindings skyld" eller "misbrug af offentligt embede til privat vinding". - - - Er personlig kritik af en offentlig person privat vinding eller tab? ? ?.....
Udvikling Hvem vinder på korruption i Byrådet ?


Helsingør mangler en krydstogtkaj
I dag er det kun meget små af nutidens skibe der kan gå ind i statshavnen. - Hvis Helsingør vil "krone" sig selv som maritimt uddannelses-center, så er det yderst pinligt at Kongeskibet er det største skib vi kan modtage....
Udvikling Helsingør mangler en krydstogtkaj


Turismen fra Kina er faldet med 87% i 22 og tendensen fortsætter
Amerikanske turister er i år til dato 27 procent under 2019-niveauet. Antallet af rejsende fra Storbritannien er faldet med 25 procent, mens hele 87 procent færre kinesere tog turen hertil. ....
Udvikling Turismen fra Kina er faldet med 87% i 22 og tendensen fortsætter


Fingerplan 2019 lukker for udvikling af Helsingør og Nordsjælland
Fingerplanen og Landsplandirektivet har aldrig levnet Helsingør udviklingsmuligheder efter værftets død i 1983....
Udvikling Fingerplan 2019 lukker for udvikling af Helsingør og Nordsjælland


Ørsted er et guldæg i den GRØNNE omstilling og PTX udvikling
Alene det overskud Ørsted afleverer tll Danmark er større end 60 Mia. og den financiering til den grønne omstilling er ikke bare et engangsbeløb. (og tænk så lige over 10 år) ....
Udvikling Ørsted er et guldæg i den GRØNNE omstilling og PTX udvikling